Help Me Be Good Complete Set (29 Softcover Books Plus 4 Song Album)
You get 20% off plus FREE downloads for a total savings of $72.10. The free downloads include the five HELP ME BE GOOD SONG ALBUMS with lyric sheets (Being Responsible, Being Kind, Being Good and Being Respectful).
This complete set of 29 printed HELP ME BE GOOD BOOKS includes:
- Being Lazy
- Being Forgetful
- Being Careless
- Being Messy
- Being Wasteful
- Over Doing It
- Showing Off
- Being a Bad Sport
- Being Selfish
- Being Greedy
- Breaking Promises
- Disobeying
- Lying
- Interrupting
- Whining
- Complaining
- Throwing Tantrums
- Teasing, Tattling
- Gossiping
- Being Rude
- Snooping
- Cheating
- Stealing
- Being Bullied
- Being Bossy
- Being Destructive
- Fighting
- Being Mean